In letter distribution and sorting conveyors, abrasive types of paper and letters needing gentle treatment are part of everyday life. The flexible machine tapes can easily cope with and handle these types of demands.
Apart from Extremultus P-line machine tapes, E-line types are pre-destined for this type of demanding usage. Even when there are fluctuations in ambient conditions and after running for a long period, they require no re-tensioning and are also suitable for very small roller diameters. Their relatively low level of elongation at fitting means that shaft load can be minimized.
The elastic machine tapes are mostly used for very small end diameters and do not require any take-up systems.
All types in the series have long service lives. In the E-line short fitting times are guaranteed due to the quick Z-splice requiring no accessories (no adhesive!) and excellent in-feeding. Downtimes are reduced to a minimum.