Plastic modular belts from Forbo
For premium quality from one of the market’s leading suppliers, choose our high-performance Siegling Prolink modular belts. And your belts will operate productively at lower cost.

With all the many applications and modular belt types, choosing the right one is often hard. At Forbo, we know what you’re looking for. We’ll help find the best solution for your production processes.
“Thanks to innovative engineering and continual improvement, our modular belts keep pace with changes. What’s more, the Siegling Prolink series are designed to meet your industry’s requirements.”
Peter Broe, Global Product Manager Prolink
On the market since 1995, Siegling Prolink plastic modular belts are popular components in food, automotive and tire production, as well as parcel distribution centers. We’ve developed a wide range of series geared to each industry’s requirements.
Siegling Prolink belts excel in terms of reliability, performance, quality, durability, and hygiene. Our sophisticated, user-friendly solutions cut maintenance requirements and prevent unscheduled downtime.Why not reach out to us now?
18 series for any application
Dimension your conveyor
The right belt in just one click
We can help you to visualize your conveyors
Our belts in operation
Siegling Prolink
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Siegling Prolink applications
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How can we reconcile efficiency with responsibility for the environment? The Prolink team is happy to answer this and any other questions you might have.
Siegling Prolink is ideal for your requirements. Our belting experts explain where our belts are the ideal choice.