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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

An OEM in the textile manufacturing industry


The customer

A rather small Italian OEM, with less than 40 employees, but highly specialized in the design and building of machines for yarn manufacturing, in particular twisting machines. These machines are used for the processing of natural silk and filament yarns made of synthetics, such as Polyester, Polyamide, Polypropylene, Acetate or Viscose (for threads).

yarn manufacturing


Our Extremultus tangential belts are installed on the customer’s yarn twisting machines to drive the spindles or heavy cops. Special requirements are:

- Exceptional power transmission with high degree of efficiency
- Short take-up range, low elongation
- Energy-efficient belt design

Our belting solution

Before the customer turned to us, they were using a competitor product. But they had the clear objective to find a belting product that would allow them to reduce power consumption substantially. In 2016 our Extremultus tangential belts GG 25A-25 with Aramide tension member and Elastomer G coatings on both sides were installed and tested on an Italian enduser’s machines.


The general performance of our Extremultus belts was good. They offer the same power transmission as the competitor belt, but thanks to higher flexibility the power consumption is substantially lower.
On these grounds in 2017 38 new machines equipped with our belts, have been supplied to an enduser in China. Their test results confirm the performance already observed at the local enduser in Italy the year before.