Falmouth University
The 3rd Student Challenge took place at the Falmouth University in Cornwall. Falmouth is a city based in the south of the UK in Cornwall.
At the Falmouth University Sustainable Product Design department students are challenged to consider how design can create positive environmental, ethical and economic change.
They learn to harness their creative skills and innovation through cutting-edge design methods and digital prototyping while working with real clients, in this case Forbo Flooring, on live briefs to gain confidence in professional practice.

Introducing the students
From left to right: Brett Luffman | George Pitt | Jack Payne–Johns | Jordan Sheers | Ed Mason
The 6 students of the Sustainable Product Design department started the Forbo project with a research in depth to understand the specific properties of the linoleum material and its innovative areas for sustainable design opportunities
A wide range of tests with Furniture linoleum and Bulletin Board were executed by the students and used as input to create their individual project brief.
Ed Mason
Ed Mason designed a customizable workspace for young professionals who live and work in restricting spaces using Forbo Furniture linoleum's unique characteristics to enhance the users experience.
Stylish and affordable
The aim was to create a desk that act as both a clean workspace (for computer and written work) and a messy workspace (such as: model making and painting). With his concept Ed offers a contemporary versatile workspace that is functional, stylish and affordable and can be quickly adapted for the task at hand.
The desk itself is made from Steel, Birch faced plywood and Forbo linoleum. Archie has a simple design allowing work to be carried out both sitting and standing.
Both the backboard and desk end slotting systems allow a number of creative packs to be added to create an ideal working environment. The under tray provides storage place for slim line objects such as laptops and paperwork. The tray also acts as a protective surface that can be placed on the desk when undertaking creative tasks.

Brett Luffman
Space saving
Brett Luffman used Furniture linoleum to create a space saving-entrance-shelving system product for first time homeowners.
The system can hold keys as well as heavy jackets and bags and all the other essential items.
100% linoleum
His design is entirely made out of Furniture linoleum. By layering the linoleum material he created a self-supporting system. For the desired organic shape of his design he tested the bending curve of the linoleum to its extremes.

Jack Payne-Johns
Interactive learning aid
For use at primary schools Jack Payne-Johns designed an interactive learning aid using Forbo Furniture linoleum for it’s hygienic and tactile properties. Crossing multiple subject areas to aid in learning through tactile and visual resources.
Laser cutting
With laser cutting techniques he created a series of puzzle pieces with colorful inlaid letters and digits.
Existing storage system
For the measurements of the learning aid Jack used an existing school storage system as reference
Sustainable solution
A solid paper composite was selected as carrier for the Furniture linoleum thus making a sustainable responsible product.

George Pitt
Small comforts
Nowadays NHS Patient care waiting rooms are often overcrowded with long waiting times that make Patients feel anxious and even sometimes will cause panic attacks.
Offering privacy
For these people George Pitt designed a seating device with a modular partition that easily can be removed depending on the actual needs. These partitions between each seat give the patients the idea of privacy without completely separating themselves off.

Jordan Sheers
Adjustable table with integrated paper dispenser
Jordan Sheers made a desk that adjusts pneumatically in height. To integrate an A1 paper roll dispenser he uses the flexibility of Furniture linoleum to create a free flow shape that carries the role. Paper can be pulled from the dispenser when needed.
With the laser engraving technique Josh make a grid of 1000mm x 500mm in the Furniture Linoleum. By using masking tape the linoleum is protected from burn marks when laser engraved.