
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

975 EUROPLAN SPECIAL (Made in Holland)


Self-smoothing levelling compound for stony subfloors, very low emission, emicode EC 1PLUS, less dust, self-smoothing, high compression strength and maximum layer thickness of 10 mm. This product is made in Holland.

  • 975-ec 1 plus llicence uk.pdf

    975-ec 1 plus llicence uk.pdf

  • pdf-product-specification.pdf


  • epdfeica- 975 europlan special-uk.pdf

    epdfeica- 975 europlan special-uk.pdf

  • 975-safety data sheet uk.pdf

    975-safety data sheet uk.pdf

  • dop-declaration-uk.pdf


  • Product Typification
    Self-smoothing levelling compound for stony subfloors. This product is made in Holland.
    Basis : Cement-based powder with additives.
    Colour : Grey.
    Consistency : Powder.

    Product advantages:
    • Very low emission
    • Emicode EC 1PLUS
    • Less dust
    • Favourable spreading capacity
    • Self-smoothing
    • Excellent flow
    • Pumpable
    • High compression strength
    • Maximum layer thickness of 10 mm

  • Performances
    Bending Strength : According to NEN-EN 13892-2:2002: after 28 days ≥ 9 N/mm².
    Bureau Wheelchair resistance : From 2 mm layer thickness.
    Compressive strength : According to NEN-EN 13892-2:2002: after 28 days ≥ 34 N/mm².
    Consumption : Approx. 1.5 kg/m² per mm layer thickness.
    Flammability : Non-flammable.
    Passableness : After 2 - 3 hours at 18° - 20° C.*
  • Application

    For levelling cement-based and other stony subfloors in layers up to maximum 10 mm which are to be covered with a floor covering.

    If applying by pump:
    Consult pump supplier, ensure the pump is suitable for all types of levelling compounds. Pumping with a too high mixing rate can cause an insufficient flow of the levelling compound.

  • Working Process
    Tools : Trowel or notched squeegee in combination with a spiked roller.
    Mixing ratio : Add 23 kg of 975 Europlan Special to 5.5 - 6 litres of water.
    Waiting time : Approx 3 minutes.
    Processing time : Use within 30 minutes after mixing.*
    Storage : Store cool and dry.
    Shelf Life : 9 months, in unopened packaging.
    Drying : 24 hours.*
    Sensitive to frost : No.

    * The mentioned values have been established in our laboratory and must be considered as guidelines in view of possible variations in climatic circumstances, subfloor compositions and layer thickness.

    Approx. 1.5 kg/m² per mm layer thickness.

    • 975 Europlan Special can be applied on any type of stony subfloor that is rigid and has a good tensile and compression strength. The subfloor should also be clean, permanently dry and free from grease and dirt, according to the requirements of BS 8203 or DIN 18 365.
    • Decrease smooth and impervious subfloors (tile floors, granito, terrazzo etc.) with 014 Euroclean and dry well afterwards. As well as sandpapered and old (water-resistant) adhesive residues prime with 044 Europrimer Multi with a foam roller.
    • Prime porous cement floors with 044 Europrimer, Multi 099 Dispersionprimer or 049 Europrimer ABS with a foam roller.
    • Fill cracks and deep damages with 905 Europlan Fill or 945 Europlan Solid.
    • After hardening prime 905 Europlan Fill or 945 Europlan Solid with 044 Europrimer Multi, 099 Dispersieprimer or 049 Europrimer ABS.
    • Fix cracks/seams in the subfloor with 021 Euroblock Reno LE in combination with 063 Eurotape and 846 Quartzsand or with 808 Eurojoint Connector in combination with 021 Euroblock Reno LE.
    • With asphalt floors and bituminous substrates it is recomanded to ask for technical advice.
    • For levelling anhydrite floors use 925 Europlan Alphy Direct, 924 Europlan Hybrid or 920 Europlan Alphy.
    • In advance always seek our technical data sheets. In doubt about the application ask for technical advice.

    User manual:
    • Add 23 kg of 975 Europlan Special to 5.5 - 6 litres of cool and clean water.
    • Stir the mortar, using an electric stirrer (Eurocol no. 855), to a smooth and homogeneous mixture.
    • Wait for approx. 3 minutes and stir the mortar once again, with a low rpm.
    • Apply the mortar within 30 minutes on the floor with a trowel or notched squeegee.
    • When pumping adjust the mixing-unit in such way that per 23 kg of 975 Europlan Special 5.5 - 6 litres of cool and clean tap water will be added.
    • Protect fresh levelling compound layers against draft and direct sunlight.
    • Under normal circumstances the applied layer is passable after 2-3 hours. At a layer thickness of 5 mm the levelling compound layer is ready for the installation of a floor covering after 24 hours.
    • For extended information about the safety precautions we refer to the safety data sheet on our website

    Working conditions:
    Required surrounding temperature : 18 - 23 °C.
    Temperature for material and subfloor : min. 15° - max. 20 ºC.
    Relative humidity : 40-70%.

    Underfloor heating systems:
    975 Europlan Special can be applied on underfloor heating systems. The startprotocol of the floorheating needs to be completly executed in accordance with the directives of the supplier. Turn off the heater 24 hours before application; do not heat again until at least 24 hours after application, in steps of maximum 5 °C water temperature per day. 

  • Quality and guarantee
  • Environment and health
    Hazard Class : Xi (irritating).
    MSDS : For extensive information about safety and environment we refer to our website
    Substances causing allergy : Contains Cement, portland, chemicals, flue dust. May produce an allergic reaction.

  • Articles
    ArticleDefinitionPackagingEAN-codeshipping unit
    975Europlan Special 23 kg bag8 710345 975100 42/pallet
    975Europlan Special 25 kg bag 4 026956 06978242/pallet (Made in Germany)