Please find below all Forbo media releases listed by year.
Matthias P. Huenerwadel, Executive Vice President Flooring Systems, will leave Forbo at the end of 2017 after twelve years on the Executive Board. Jean-Michel Wins, who is currently Executive Vice President Movement Systems, will succeed him in January 2018. The new Executive Vice President Movement Systems is Marc Richard Deimling who will join Forbo in January 2018.
Baar, June 22, 2017
The Board of Directors of Forbo Holding Ltd has appointed Jean-Michel Wins as the new Executive Vice President of the Flooring Systems Division, effective January 2018. Jean-Michel Wins, a Belgian citizen, is 50 years of age and has successfully headed the Movement Systems Division since the beginning of 2013.
The current Executive Vice President of Flooring Systems, Matthias P. Huenerwadel, will leave Forbo at the end of 2017 after twelve successful years to take up a new challenge outside the Group.
The Board of Directors thanks Matthias P. Huenerwadel for his very good work and wishes him all the best for the future.
The Board of Directors has appointed Marc Richard Deimling as Executive Vice President Movement Systems and member of the Executive Board, effective January 2018. Marc Richard Deimling, a German national, is 46 years of age and has been CEO and Chairman of the Management Board at TMS Turnkey Manufacturing Solutions GmbH in Linz, Austria, since 2008.
The Board of Directors wishes Jean-Michel Wins and Marc Richard Deimling great success in their new tasks and responsibilities.
Forbo is a leading manufacturer of floor coverings, building and construction adhesives, as well as power transmission and conveyor belt solutions. The company employs more than 5,300 people and has an international network of 24 production facilities and distribution companies, 6 assembly centers as well as 45 pure sales organizations in a total of 36 countries across the globe. The company generated net sales of CHF 1,185.5 million in the 2016 business year. Forbo is headquartered in Baar in the canton of Zug, Switzerland.
The Group company Forbo Holding Ltd is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (securities number 354151, ISIN CH0003541510, Bloomberg FORN SW, Reuters FORN.S).
Contact person:
This E. Schneider
Executive Chairman
Phone +41 58 787 25 49
Fax +41 58 787 20 49