Please find below all Forbo media releases listed by year.
Baar, September 9, 2013
Until further notice, Forbo is suspending its approved share buyback program in order to be able to sell up to a maximum of 2.5% of treasury shares.
The sale of these treasury shares will increase the distributable, withholding tax free capital contribution reserves.
Forbo is a leading producer of floor coverings, building and construction adhesives, as well as power transmission and conveyor belt solutions. The company employs over 5,000 people and has an international network of 24 production and distribution companies, 6 assembly operations and 37 sales organizations in a total of 34 countries. Forbo is headquartered in Baar in the canton of Zug, Switzerland.
Forbo Holding Ltd is listed on SIX Swiss Exchange (security number 354151, ISIN CH0003541510, Bloomberg FORN SW, Reuters FORN.S).
Contact person:
This E. Schneider
Delegate of the Board of Directors and CEO
Phone +41 58 787 25 49
Fax +41 58 787 20 49