Please find below all Forbo media releases listed by year.
At the 83rd Ordinary General Meeting in Zug, the shareholders of Forbo Holding Ltd approved all the proposals of the Board of Directors by a large majority. This E. Schneider and Dr. Peter Altorfer were re-elected as members of the Board of Directors for a further three-year term. Dr. Reto Müller was elected as a new member of the Board of Directors. Payment of the withholding tax-free dividend from free capital contribution reserves of CHF 12 per share will be effected as of May 6, 2011.
Baar, April 29, 2011
The Ordinary General Meeting of Forbo Holding Ltd was attended by 139 shareholders; representing 1,401,372 registered shares or 51.65 percent of the share capital issued.
The shareholders approved all the proposals of the Board of Directors by a large majority. They approved the Annual Report, the Annual Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements as well as the remuneration report for the 2010 business year and granted discharge to the responsible governing bodies. Furthermore, they approved the proposed profit distribution in the form of a withholding tax-free dividend from free capital contribution reserves amounting to CHF 12 per share.
They voted in favor of a capital reduction as a result of the share buyback program approved at the Ordinary General Meeting of April 25, 2008 along with the corresponding amendment to the Articles of Association. They also approved the new proposal to buy back own shares up to a maximum of 10 percent of the registered share capital over a period of three years for the purpose of a capital reduction.
This E. Schneider, Delegate of the Board of Directors and CEO, and Dr. Peter Altorfer, member, were re-elected for a further three-year term of office by an overwhelming majority. In addition, Dr. Reto Müller was elected as a new member of the Board of Directors.
Lastly, the shareholders extended the mandate of the statutory auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers AG by a further year.
Forbo is a leading producer of floor coverings, adhesives, as well as power transmission and conveyor belt solutions. The company employs some 6,000 people and has an international network of 41 sites with production and distribution as well as 47 sales organizations in a total of 35 countries. Forbo is headquartered in Baar in the canton of Zug, Switzerland.
Forbo Holding AG is listed on SIX Swiss Exchange (security number 354151, ISIN CH0003541510, Bloomberg FORN SW, Reuters FORN.S).
Contact person:
This E. Schneider
Delegate of the Board of Directors and CEO
Phone +41 58 787 25 49
Fax +41 58 787 20 49