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Please find below all Forbo media releases listed by year.
Eglisau, Januar 27, 2000
The Forbo Group, with worldwide operations in flooring and industry specialties, achieved gross sales of CHF 1.874 billion in 1999, an increase of 2.3% over the previous year's figure of CHF 1.832 billion. The company expects a significant improvement in group profit before deduction of the CHF 70 million extraordinary valuation adjustments and provisions as already announced.
In 1999, following brisk trading in the second half of the year, the Forbo Group posted an increase in gross sales to CHF 1.874 billion (1998: 1.832 billion). Sales in the Flooring Division were up 2.3% to CHF 1.090 billion (from CHF 1.066 billion in 1998), while the Industry Specialties Division also reported a 2.3% improvement in its results to CHF 784 million (1998: CHF 766 million). Above-average increases were registered in the Group's core products linoleum (4.2%), belting (7.4%) and adhesives (6.7%). Forbo expanded its activities in Asia (24.1%) and the Americas (7.4%) in particular. Thanks to the cost savings realized and the stronger weighting of the core products in the Group's overall activities, the improvement in 1999 group results - before deduction of the CHF 70 million (after tax) required for valuation adjustments and provisions within the scope of the strategic renewal - is expected to be proportionally above sales.