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With all the many applications and modular belt types, choosing the right one is often hard. At Forbo, we know what you’re looking for. We’ll help find the best solution for your production processes.

From fitting to maintenance to service, our belting experts are on hand to help.

Plastic modular belts from Forbo

For premium quality from one of the market’s leading suppliers, choose our high-performance Siegling Prolink modular belts. And your belts will operate productively at lower cost.

Our proven expertise and good track record make us the preferred partner for plastic modular belts. We’re a reliable supplier of end-to-end conveyor and power transmission belt solutions.

At your side every step of the way

“Thanks to innovative engineering and continual improvement, our modular belts keep pace with changes. What’s more, the Siegling Prolink series are designed to meet your industry’s requirements.”
Peter Broe, Global Product Manager Prolink

Tailored to your production line

  • Siegling Prolink makes production more efficient

    Efficient operations

    Siegling Prolink makes production more efficient

    Siegling Prolink’s exceptional quality means superior reliability and minimal downtime. Designed to first-class engineering standards, the plastic modular belts maximize your conveyor’s performance. Longer intervals between maintenance equal greater productivity, which cuts your overheads. Customized to your industry’s requirements.

  • Cut costs with Siegling Prolink

    Lower costs

    Cut costs with Siegling Prolink

    Invest in first-class quality for a maximum ROI. Our outstanding engineering skills lower maintenance requirements. And our belts’ exceptional strength decreases downtime. Fast service and easy module replacement also minimize downtime. Compared to similar products in the industry, Siegling Prolink belts have very long service lives, making them more cost efficient. Our low-friction belts also reduce energy costs.

  • Better sustainability with Siegling Prolink

    More sustainability

    Boost your production line’s sustainability

    Our durable conveyor belts decrease waste. Their special design and a low friction coefficient mean lower energy consumption too. Recyclable belts help make production environmentally friendly. In the interests of a sustainable future, some of the innovative modular belts are made of recycled materials.

On the market since 1995, Siegling Prolink plastic modular belts are popular components in food, automotive and tire production, as well as parcel distribution centers. We’ve developed a wide range of series geared to each industry’s requirements.

Siegling Prolink belts excel in terms of reliability, performance, quality, durability, and hygiene. Our sophisticated, user-friendly solutions cut maintenance requirements and prevent unscheduled downtime.Why not reach out to us now?

Everything about Prolink

  • Serienvielfalt Overview

    Our range of series

    18 series for any application

    18 series for any applications

    Seeking a reliable and flexible solution for your production line? With Siegling Prolink, you’ve come to the right place. The modular belt system offers a suitable product for any application and is easy to retrofit.

    To minimize downtime and maximize efficiency, the easy-to-repair belts come in flexible widths and lengths. In terms of conveying, positioning, washing, or freezing, high-quality materials and special module types make Siegling Prolink ideal for any requirements.

    Alongside standard colors, we can also offer customized ones.
    click here for the range of series

  • E-Tools Siegling Prolink

    Engineering program

    Dimension your conveyor

    Dimension your conveyor

    You can download the current version of our Siegling Prolink engineering program here. Design your conveyor to perfection and maximize efficiency, service life and save time and money.

  • Prolink-Beltfinder News

    Siegling Prolink Product Finder

    The right belt in just one click

    Siegling Prolink Product Finder

    The Siegling Prolink belt finder searches for modular belts in real time, based on characteristics like surface, open area, color, dimensions, load, or sprocket size. As a result, you save time finding the perfect solution for your conveyor in no time.

  • Serienvielfalt der Siegling Prolink Modulbänder

    CAD data

    We can help you to visualize your conveyors

    CAD program

    CAD drawings (2D) and 3D CAD data to download and incorporate into your design software. As a result, planning and visualizing your conveyor is easier. You also save developmental time and your projects are more precise.

  • Siegling Prolink YouTube channel


    Our belts in operation

    Our belts in operation

    The videos on YouTube’s Siegling Prolink playlist explain each series’ advantages and characteristics clearly and concisely. The selection process is simpler because you’ll understand complex information faster.

  • All documents at a glance


    Siegling Prolink

    Siegling Prolink documentation

    All the brochures in one place. Find the information required fast.

  • Prolink Beltway Battle

    Beltway Battle

    Beat the high score

    Beat the high score

    Everyone’s a winner in the Beltway Battle:
    Get to know our Siegling Prolink modular belts in a fun way and beat the high score.

  • our Prolink success stories

    Winning Solutions

    Siegling Prolink applications

    Our Siegling Prolink success stories

    See Prolink’s successful track record in numerous industries for yourself. All of which highlight the many demands placed on our modular belts.

  • Contact woman with headset


    Arrange an appointment

    Arrange an appointment

    We look forward to receiving your enquiries. Our support team and fitting service close to you mean customized solutions for industrial conveying applications.


  • Fortune cookie on series 13 ((Ist das wirklich so gemeint - vielleicht auf einem Bild zu sehen, oder im übertragenen Sinne?))

    Food processing

    Food processing

    Siegling Prolink is used successfully in many
    food industry applications. Examples include fruit and vegetable processing, baked goods production, or meat, poultry, and fish processing.

  • The Siegling Prolink range offers solutions geared to the automotive industry

    Automotive and tire industries

    Automotive and Tire industries

    The Siegling Prolink range offers
    customized solutions for the automotive and tire industries.

  • A parcel on a Siegling Prolink modular belt



    Many of Siegling’s Prolink belts are tailored to particular conveying and production requirements and excel in intralogistics applications.

How can we reconcile efficiency with responsibility for the environment? The Prolink team is happy to answer this and any other questions you might have.

Our production line in Lunderskov, Denmark

Production Denmark Lunderskov Prolink
Production Denmark Lunderskov Prolink

Siegling Prolink is ideal for your requirements. Our belting experts explain where our belts are the ideal choice.