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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Saldare o non saldare...

... questo è il dilemma !!

Net fit or weld

Posa Net Fit

Risparmio di tempo e costi

Se installato correttamente, il pavimento Marmoleum non si restringe nel tempo. Nella maggior parte dei casi la saldatura non è necessaria. Un posatore esperto esegue giunte perfette senza dover utilizzare il cordolo di saldatura. Con una perfetta posa del Marmoleum il pavimento è a tenuta stagna e può essere lavato con acqua, anche senza saldatura.
Se non c’è la specifica richiesta di saldatura, potete risparmiare tempo e denaro, con un minor numero di passaggi nella posa, utilizzando il metodo di posa Net Fit.

Manuale d'installazione
v. le collezioni in linoleum


Benefits of net fit

• Improved aesthetics with no weld lines to disrupt the visual and accent the seams
• Improved environmental performance with substantial reduction in CO2 footprint by eliminating the use of a high wattage heat gun for installation of weld rods.
• Reduced overall installed cost and time

While remaining
• Water resistant
• Bacteriostatic, 3rd party research shows that net fit seams are as hygienic as heat welded sheet vinyl.

Net fit seams 2

Installation with welding

When is welding used?

Welding could be required or even prescribed in certain situations. Also local laws or regulations could make that you need to make sure you put a welding cord between two sheets.

There are many matching colours in our welding rods both in uni coloured and multi coloured. For design or decorative reasons a non matching colour is chosen so this welding cord is highlighting the floor.

Watch the video How to weld linoleum

Welding uni vs multicolour

Uni colour welding rod vs multi coloured welding rod

Vivace with uni welding rod

Uni colour welding rod used

Multi coloured welding rod in Vivace

Multi colour welding rod used

Welding rod technical information

  • MSDS Welding rod Marmoweld


  • IG Installing Marmoleum & Linoleum Sheet Flooring v2.10

    Installation instruction