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Anti-viral claims

Anti-viral claims & floor coverings

This page describes the position of Forbo Flooring Systems on the role of floor coverings preventing the spreading of viruses.

The view of Forbo Flooring Systems is that there is neither scientific evidence, nor common ground indicating that floor covering is a solution to prevent the spreading of viruses. Therefore, claiming anything that suggests this can be misleading and does not fit within the values of Forbo Flooring Systems; we create transparency for our customers and support them to make the right choices.

General advice

We advise to follow governmental recommendations and to remain transparent in all communication to our customers. Governments, are advised by scientific experts, on controlling the spread of viruses. In the case of Covid-19 the main approach worldwide is to use hand or surface disinfection with soap and/or alcohol, to apply social distancing and face coverings to prevent the spreading of aerosols.


Laboratory testing

There is an international standard (ISO 21702) that tests how much virus is remaining after 24 hours on a surface. This test is performed in a laboratory under controlled circumstances. Viruses are spread mainly through air and via contact on to surfaces, under varying conditions. Some flooring suppliers started to promote the claim that their flooring products helps as a ‘solution against corona’.

Claims that are based on tests as mentioned are not resembling day to day life nor a practical situation. A floor in a building is not the same as in a laboratory test. In practice a floor covering picks up dirt, water and various other contaminants depending on the cleaning regime. Results in a laboratory are no prediction for what happens in practice.

Disinfection of a floor

When customers want to ensure their flooring is and remains disinfected in practice a smooth and non-porous flooring provides a good basis for ease of maintenance and disinfestation. Smooth surfaces create a good foundation for easy cleaning and disinfection; the smoother and non-porous the surface the easier it is. We recommend to use our resilient portfolio as a good foundation to disinfect the floor in use. This is also the case for Flotex as being a unique washable textile floor covering.

Desinfect your hands

At Forbo Flooring Systems we recognize the concerns and complexities that now exist as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic which have become part of everyone’s daily life. We take our responsibility in all geographies by limiting the spread of the virus and protecting the health and safety of our customers, business partners, and employees as much as possible. Our company strictly adheres at least by the rules issued by governments and local health authorities in all countries where we do business.

All our production sites are running and we are able to receive and deliver sales and sample orders. Our customer service department and especially our 24/7 ForbOnline service has been proving very popular and will keep supporting you in all cases where you are able to proceed with your projects. Should you have any questions please contact your local account manager, customer contact or customer services departments worldwide.