Inga Powilleit

For our 0.36m2 project we offered a selected group of creatives a Linoleum pinboard of 60x60 cm and invited them to use it in any way they wanted. This post is the contribution of Inga Powilleit photographed in the context of her home/workplace.
Inga about herself: No matter how complex the situation, in the end her eyes will discover the essence.
The small prints are a collection of free work, and the pinboard is ideal for trying out combinations.
Product used: Bulletin Board - 2162 - Duck Egg
Forbo Bulletin Board pinboard linoleum is the ideal material for pin boards, notice boards and all other surfaces where ideas and information are exchanged. Our renewed Bulletin Board is:
• Resilient and flexible
• Hygienic and bacteriostatic
• Long lasting, timeless and strong
• Versatile and colourful
• Practical and easy
• Sustainable
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