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Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

Committed to the Health of One

Today more than half of the world’s population, over 54%, is living in urbanised areas. On average we are spending around 80%-90% of our time indoors and this will only increase. No wonder that the focus on quality of the indoor environment, and the attention given to green architecture and healthy buildings, is becoming more prominent. Not the single product, but the building as such, is now in the centre of environmental rating systems like LEED or the newly established health rating system, the WELL building standard.

CHO Health Care

80-90% of our time we spent indoors

As our floors are part of the indoor environment in which people live, meet and work, it is our mission to design and offer products that contribute in a positive way to the health and comfort of the individual. “Committed to the health of one” introduces a focus in our
commitment to sustainability that centres around all aspects that concern your health, well-being and comfort in relation to our products and services, today as well as for future generations.

80-90% middle